Resources and Tools

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” Eric Schmidt

There are a few books and websites that I am in love with right now. They are a wealth of information, and good information is key to success. None of these are affiliate links, and I make no money off the promotion of these books. 

  • Brett Markham’s book The Mini Farming Bible: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre. I am so excited about this book right now. Markham is an engineer by training, and you can really see how those skills have helped him not only with his analytical approach but also with his designs, which he graciously shares with us in his book. The Handyman already has plans to make his “chicken plucker” when we start raising meat birds. The scientist in me also appreciates his fact-based reasoning, complete with thorough explanations. I have been cuckoo about this book lately. Find it here!
  • Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening. This book is a marvelous resource for anyone who looks at a pack of seeds and sees Greek on the back. In fact, I am using one of the authors’ garden plans almost exactly! If you ever wanted to know what to plant where and when to do it, just check out this book for garden plans from a 32 square foot herb garden up to a 3,000 square foot vegetable garden that would feed a small army. Find it here!
  • Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. Is there anything Rodale does that isn’t gold? This is not a book you’ll want to sit and read cover-to-cover like the other two. This is definitely a resource to turn to when you have a specific question and need a reliable answer. Find it here!
  • Fresh Eggs Daily. Lisa Steele paints a beautiful picture of farm life for us, but she also gives us amazing information on how to raise healthy chickens. I use her newsletter, blog, and book as both a source of information and visual inspiration.
  • The Roo Apron. This is an amazing tool to have. I can’t say enough good things about it. It comes in fun colors too. Check out my review here. They also just released a waist apron version of it that I can’t wait to try.